We are listening. There has been much discussion on how best to communicate what is going on around Hanawalt with our community. In an effort to streamline communication we are trying to use our website as the main avenue for communication. Here are ways we are going to work to better communicate and as a result strengthen the partnership between home and school.
1. The Squawk blog is one way that I can share ideas, information and events with parents. The goal is to post on a variety of topics to keep parents and the community involved.
2. Another way to communicate is through our Hanawalt Website. The website will have links to this blog, curriculum information, ways to help your child at home and PTA information. It is our hope to continue to grow our use of the website as an avenue of communication about our school and your child's classroom. Check out Ms Killins' site for information on the 4th grade literacy classroom. She has posted standards, links and helpful information.
3. You can also follow us on Twitter @hanawalthawks. We have several teachers active on Twitter and you can get a glimpse into our day by following. Never used Twitter? Stop by and I will be glad to get you started.
4. We will also continue to send information out by email blast and paper notification when needed.
Please be flexible and patient as we work towards increased communication. We value the partnership with our families and community. I feel very fortunate to be at Hanawalt and look forward to continue to grow the strong partnership between home and school. Most of all I am looking forward to growing leadership and 21st Century skills in our students. I know together we can give them the skills that will ensure a bright future.
Kelly L. Schofield