Tuesday, January 26, 2016

New Car Rider Procedures to Start Tuesday, Feb 2nd

New Car Rider Procedures

We are implementing new car rider procedures. We appreciate the feedback from parents and the morning car rider parents (who are rock stars). In order to make dismissal safer and more efficient we will be starting a car rider line.

Procedures Starting Tuesday, February 2nd.

Car Rider students will go to the gym and sit by grade level.

Cars will pull up through the parking lot and load in the designated loading zone indicated by the cones. Hanawalt staff will be loading students in your car. We will load 5 cars at a time by calling students names, loading those 5 cars and exiting those cars. Then continue pulling up 5 cars at a time. A staff member will be asking your student’s name and grade level then calling them  with the microphone to line up to load.  We will have plenty of staff helping direct you and load students in the first few days.

If you are going to park to pick up your child you will no longer be able to park in front of the school or the school parking lot, as this is part of the car rider line. You may park further down on Robertson Drive and walk up.

All walkers and parent pick-up students will be in the front of the school. If you are walking to pick up your child you may pick them up there. There will also be staff supervision there.

You will be getting a letter home from the school on Thursday. There will be a place for you to indicate your child’s regular dismissal procedure: car rider, parent pick up or walker. Of course you can always change this with a note to your teacher.

Thank you for your continued support to make our school a safe and joyful place to learn.



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