Monday, November 21, 2016

Celebrating Habit 3

Last Wednesday was our school wide Community Meeting and Celebration. As a community,we celebrate , but we also work to problem solve issues and concerns. Together we talked about goals to make our arrival safer and more effective.  We cleared up misinformation and confusion about Kid Striders. Being able to synergyze helps us become a stronger community.
During our celebration we enjoyed a performance of "Jellicle Cats" by Mrs.Carpenter's Kindergarten. They have been reading and discussing the poem as part of their Jr Great Book time. We enjoyed their dramatization emensly! 

Students were recognized for modeling Habit 3- Put First Things First or Work First Then Play.
This habit is hard for all of us but these students show us that setting goals and working to achieve them is a priority. They also know the balance of mind,body and spirit. We a very proud of these leaders and know they will continue to grow in their citizenship. 

We also recognized students that show kindness . They are kind to their peers, their teachers, their school and environment. Kindness is key, especially now. We applaud these students that show strong character and caring for all those around them. 
The Belma Spirit Award went to 4th grade! The 4th graders have shown Habit 2 in their efforts to get this prize. They have a plan search week to remind others about Blue Tuesday, they have set goals for their hallway behavior and show positivity throughout the day. HIp Hip Hooray for these positive school leaders.

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